Drivers Haftmann#software Port Devices


70-698 Installing and Configuring Windows 10 Lab Challenge Rolling Back a Device Driver Overview In this exercise, you will use Device Manager to roll back a device driver. Mindset Sometimes when you upgrade or load a device driver, the device for which the device driver is used stops working or causes other problems with Windows. With Device Manager, you can roll back a device driver to the. Drivers and Hardware-related Tools: DOS systems have to load drivers for access to and use of hardware that doesn't conform to the inbuilt standards, which means nearly everything today. Since DOS memory was always at a premium (1 MB maximum, 384 KB Upper Memory reserved for drivers), drivers should be as small as possible. Driver with at most full functionality as I'm thought at a glance. No wonder that I found such one not earlier - and so hard to program. At first, an objective was to consume as least as possible memory, around 4 KB. Now, I'm far, far away from this goal, and I'm happy with less than 12 KB. Compared with 64K this is good enough. First, make sure the USB ports at the rear of the computer work by connecting a USB device to the rear port. If the device is not recognized in the rear port, then use the other sections in this document to resolve the problem. Use the following steps to see if the front USB ports have become disconnected from the motherboard.

IEC 61010-1CAT II (600 V) / CAT III (300 V)
ConnectivityRS232 / USB
Measurementsvoltage, current, resistance, capacitance, frequency, duty cycle, diode, continuity
Featuresautorange, true-rms, data hold, min/max, relative, bargraph, backlight

The UNI-T UT61E is a 22,000 counts, CAT II (600 V) / CAT III (300 V) handheld digital multimeter with RS-232 or USB connectivity.

Drivers Haftmann#software Port Devices Gigabit

See UNI-T UT61E/Info for more details (such as lsusb -vvv output) about the device.


Haftmann#softwareDevicesDrivers Haftmann#software Port Devices
  • Cyrustek ES51922 multimeter chip (ES51922A actually, as per various photos: 1, 2, 3, 4)


Older version:

Newer version:


See Cyrustek ES51922 for the DMM IC protocol.

Depending on the cable, additional decoding is needed, though.

Different cables are available to communicate to the DMM: regular serial cables which provide a COM port, and USB HID based cables where applications are required to handle a proprietary protocol of running serial communication on top of HID requests. See the Device cables page for details; the same cables can be used with many different DMM models.

Depending on the specific cable in use, either a device driver ending in -ser or not ending in -ser must be used. See README.devices for details.

The message 'HID feature report error: LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE' results from using the USB HID driver with a USB-to-serial cable. In this case, try using --driver=uni-t-ut61e-ser

The transmission of the measurement data cannot be disabled. The respective Cyrustek ES51922 pin (111, RS232) is tied to GND (i.e. transmission is always enabled) on this multimeter.[1]


The following sigrok-cli command can be used to receive five measured values from a device connected via USB (note that the USB VID/PID after the conn option needs to be changed depending on the exact USB adapter cable used):

If your meter has a serial (RS-232) cable connected to a USB-to-serial adapter, a different driver is used. Example for ttyUSB0:

Drivers Haftmann#software Port Devices Replicator

Same example for COM1 (Windows), please note the special syntax for specifying the COM port:

--samples <n> stops acquisition after the specified number of measurements, while --continuous does not stop. Type just sigrok-cli by itself for a summary of options. More information on drivers can be found in the README.devices file of the libsigrok source tree.


Drivers Haftmann#software Port Devices Lucie

  • Henrik Haftmann: DMM.exe etc. (Windows software for various UNI-T DMMs, and lots of device/protocol info)
  • Uni-Trend UT61E (UT-D04 linux treiber) (device info, Linux software using HIDAPI: ut61e-linux-sw-0.02.tar.gz)
  • Steffen Vogel: UNI-TREND UT61E Digital Multimeter (device info, Linux software for serial port: dmmut61e-0.01.tar.gz)
  • Multimeter data parsing utility complete implementation written in Python
  • Steffen Vogel: Inner workings of UNI-TREND UT61E Digital Multimeter (teardown)
  • UT61 - USB Multimeter unter Linux auslesen (info on the Hoitek HE2325U (clone?) and how suspend/resume fixes some issues with it)
  • Teardowns: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
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Drivers Haftmann#software Port Devices Terminal

In which folder are the 'INSTALLED' USB drivers stored in 98se?
I got a driver file that is supposed to recognise all flash
drives.(Whether it works is just a matter of trying it). Presently I can
only access a few of these flash drives and they are all 4gb or less. I
want to try this file, but I hate risking losing all the individual
drivers I have installed over the years, because I have no idea what I
installed or if I even have these drivers anymore.
Although I do have a complete backup of the entire Windows folder for
Win98, I know it can be a hassle restoring the whole thing. I'd like to
just backup the folder (or folders) where these drivers are stored, as
well as their settings, which I assume are stored in the registry.
What folder(s) do I need to backup, and what else?
And while I'm at it, what are the names and location of those registry
I can dual boot to Windows 2000 to restore this stuff if necessary, by
simply copying them back to the Windows folder.
This is one thing I like about Win98, you cant do this in any newer
Windows.... Heck, I've copied my entire Windows folder and program files
folders to other computers, and after installing some drivers for the
new hardware, I have a working clone of my entire W98 install. You cant
do that in XP or higher....